We generated a web platform that allows us to improve the process of assigning drugs linked to psychiatric treatments according to the genetic profile of the patients. Collaborating with the design of the data model and algorithms involved, we generated a loading portal intended to facilitate the treatment of patients with different pathologies.

# History

Our first step in this project was to understand what problem we were trying to address, defining the spectrum of work. Together with Neobiomarkers, we understood the algorithms and variables involved in the drug assignment process, in addition to weighing the incidence of the different genetic profiles.

Understanding this, we sought to generate a proposal on the simplest digital tool that could carry out both the algorithmic tasks and the data loading interface. In this way, we managed to generate a loading portal together with a cloud database, managing and providing the information required by the algorithm. This in turn informs the user (therapist) which distribution and quantity of drugs are the best to address the patient's treatment.

Our goal was to allow for a rapid, data based diagnostic of the patient condition, using the expert knowledge and genetic profile to establish the pathology. After that, our platform allows us to accelerate the drug prescription process, determining the proper drug and dosage to maximize treatment efficiency.

With our help, we have achieved:


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Improved accuracy on
prescribed medication


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Reduction in
medication variation

Project Team

ellipse icon 2 Developers
ellipse icon 1 Technology Leader
ellipse icon 1 PM
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